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Guard your data, unlock AI value

Prediction Guard is a secure, scalable GenAI platform that safeguards sensitive data, prevents common AI malfunctions, and runs on affordable hardware.


Featured news story:

Intel and Prediction Guard

AI has the potential to drive lifechanging results in prehospital care , but field medics need to be able to trust guidance from their AI assistant without exception. “Saving Lives” is the story of how Prediction Guard leverages Intel’s AI tools and support to help companies like SimWerx make full use of LLMs with confidence in the accuracy of their results.

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Built-in security, privacy

Jump ahead of your competition and accelerate AI transformation without leaking your data or introducing AI-related vulnerabilities.

  • Security ChecksFor new kinds of vulnerabilities like prompt injections.
  • Privacy FiltersTo mask or replace PII in model inputs.
  • Output ValidationsFor preventing hallucinations (or "wrongness") and toxic outputs.
  • Compliant Data ProtectionsTo maintain HIPAA and make sure you can get a BAA in place.
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    Protect your data without sacrificing performance!

    AI engineers building on PG
    ∞ requests, 0
    per-token charges

    Flexible, cost-effective deployment options

    Take control and run your company's GenAI platform in your own infrastructure with or without GPUs. Reduce your AI infrastructure spend by 90%!

  • Option 1: Managed Cloud Fully hosted and managed by Prediction Guard, which is the fastest & easiest way to get started (<1 day). HIPAA compliant. No need to operate or maintain a scalable Kubernetes cluster.
  • Option 2: Self HostedHosted in a customer’s infrastructure, with flexible compute options (including other-than-GPU accelerators, like Intel® Gaudi®, data center CPUs, like Intel® Xeon®, and PC/workstation CPUs). Pre-optimized for the best price-performance at enterprise scale.
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    Healing AI brokenness

    Prediction Guard has built something that solves the main problem I have had working with language models.
    Ben BrameFounder and CEO at Contango

    Real AI value

    Our team used Prediction Guard to process email data for a new e-commerce offer planning model. This resulted in $146k of additional sales this month!
    Tori McQuinnMarketing Director at Antique Candle Co.

    Reducing AI engineering costs

    Overall, I must tell you that PG reduces coding overheads drastically.
    Shirish HirekodiTechnical Manager at CVC Networks


    What models do you support?

    In our managed cloud (shared) platform, we support the best open LLMs currently available including those from the Llama 3, Mistral, and deepseek families. In single-tenant deployments, you can tailor the model mix to fit the needs of your company!

    How does Prediction Guard protect our data?

    We don't store, log, or cache any prompt data flowing through our system. We couldn't train models on your data if we wanted to! We also enable you to filter PII, anonymize data injected into prompts, filter prompt injections, and more in accordance with NIST and OWASP recommendations. For customers leveraging self-hosting, data doesn't even leave your network(s).

    Can I use LangChain and LlamaIndex?

    Yes! We love LangChain and LlamaIndex! In fact, we have an official PG LLM implementation in the LangChain codebase.

    How can I integrate my company data?

    95% of use cases can be solved using a methodology called "retrieval augmentation". This is great, because all data can be stay within your company's infra.

    Are you HIPAA compliant?

    Yes. We can sign a BAA.

    Ready to start building?

    Bring secure, private AI to your company!